Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 8, Lab 7

 This map is county based. It displays the number of people in each county across the mainland United States. The lighter the shade of blue/purple, the fewer the people that live in the specified county. A scale bar and north arrow have also been included for reference purposes. The data used to create this map is from the year 2000. This data set is made publicly available by the U.S. Census Bureau.
 This map displays the difference in population by county. The pink areas saw a decline in population from 1990 to 2000. The darker the green, the more growth that the area experienced. A scale bar and north arrow have also been included for reference purposes. The data used to create this map is from the year 2000. The legend gives information in raw number form.
 This map shows the percentage change from 1990 to 2000 by county. The darker the purple, the more drastic the change after the ten year period. Negative values are displayed in hues of orange. The darker the orange, the more drastic the negative shift. This is a good map because it forces us to ask questions. Why did the populations change as they did? What factors could come into play? How can we test hypotheses explaining negative growth?
 This map displays the population density of the USA by county. The dark blue represents extremely dense counties. The green represents a medium population density. The off-white color represents sparsely populated counties. Creating this map was a challenge. Just before I finished, I made one of those critical errors. I had to recreate this map. That task took time and was the opposite of enjoyable.
I did a portion of extra work for this lab. This map displays the population distribution of blacks across the United States by county. The darker the purple, the higher percent of black population in the county. Areas with little or no black population are represented by very light shades of purple. I downloaded this data from the US Census Bureau. Creating this map was very challenging because there was not a tutorial to be followed. Also, data was not provided, I retrieved it myself.

extra credit?

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